Sunday, September 6, 2009

I Need to Write!

Welcome to my blog! I finally made it! Why I didn't do a blog before? I didn't have any patience figuring out how to do all this! Alas, here I am. Now I'm just going to get into my topic of today, "I Need to Write". So I went to American Fork High School and had the most amazing creative writing teacher, Mr. Beeson. The class was so much fun that it was what made me decide on what I wanted to major in, in College. It's stuck ever since. I talk to a lot of people who say they've changed their major many times, and I think, that sounds like a pain! I've kept my major the same, and not because it'd be a pain to change it, but because I love it. I love writing and actually should do it more...which is why I want to start blogging! It will get me to write everyday about everything. Well this has been my intro. Enjoy the rest of my life!


  1. Yeah! You have a blog! Blogging is seriously so fun (if you keep up on it!) And yes it's a great way to keep up on just writing about life! I'll enjoy keeping up with your life! My family blog is:

  2. Congrats on your commitment to your major. It is a huge load off to already know what you want to do ahead of time. And hooray for your new blog. We shall check it frequently.

  3. Oh hurrah, welcome AT LAST to the blogsphere. I can't wait to read any and all things that pour forth from your creative mind. Already I'm intrigued. It's not that complicated to blog, you know, and now you can read ours too!
